Anozero‘21–22 – Midnight
June 2022
Various venues
Anozero‘21–22 – Midnight
April 2022
June 2022
Various venues

The Joanine Library — a pearl of the Baroque and a treasure of the University of Coimbra — was built as an imperialist gesture that aimed to encapsulate knowledge and flaunt colonial dominion. This fortress of knowledge (and power) is also the refuge of a small colony of bats that found there the ideal conditions to set up house. Under the cover of the nightly silence, the bats prey on the insects and larvae that would otherwise munch through the library’s 55,000 books. The night is their time of freedom, the moment when they come out of their hiding places and start working on the conservation of our shared estate. For us, the fact that there are bats living in the Joanine Library was a spark that triggered a cascade of thoughts. We hope that they can offer the same inspiration for everyone that visits the Biennial.

In our critical idealization of Meia-noite, we imagine the night as a fluid space, a space for breaking norms, open to other visions, knowledges, interactions, and bodies. We envision it as a space of resistance and freedom, a political, metaphysical and experiential place. Here, the night is a territory for symbiotic relationships between humans and other beings, a place for co-dependency and co-evolution. In this perspective, the night fascinates us with its plural capacity to “transvalue” universal normative categories.

The university is, pre-eminently, a place of knowledge and power. If libraries are the epitome of (a certain protected kind of) knowledge, and bats the embodiment of darkness, here we find them in a relationship of mutual dependence. Both the library and the bat become political subjects. A central idea of our research for Meia-noite was how to question the production of knowledge embodied by the Joanine Library. How can we propose alternative epistemologies? How can we learn from the intelligence of bats? How can we imagine other forms of interaction?

Our intention was to free ourselves from the narratives and normative dualism of modern thought that fracture our contemporary society and produce an imbrication of discriminations: racism, classism, sexism, ageism, ableism, to name just a few. With this in mind, we applied methodologies that help us to experiment with creative, unexpected and marginal modes of knowledge production. We placed the eyeglasses of these Coimbra bats over our feminist ones and invited a group of artists to share their artistic and critical tools with us. Tools that multiply and connect worlds, that come from some existing place after the patriarchy: tools of the future.

Inspired by the night, this proposal for the Biennial is an attempt to open a speculative fissure, one that does not propose any answers, but raises many questions. It is an attempt to invent other modes of existence, of relating, of being and living together.

Elfi Turpin & Filipa Oliveira
Anozero’21–22 curators

The Joanine Library — a pearl of the Baroque and a treasure of the University of Coimbra — was built as an imperialist gesture that aimed to encapsulate knowledge and flaunt colonial dominion. This fortress of knowledge (and power) is also the refuge of a small colony of bats that found there the ideal conditions to set up house. Under the cover of the nightly silence, the bats prey on the insects and larvae that would otherwise munch through the library’s 55,000 books. The night is their time of freedom, the moment when they come out of their hiding places and start working on the conservation of our shared estate. For us, the fact that there are bats living in the Joanine Library was a spark that triggered a cascade of thoughts. We hope that they can offer the same inspiration for everyone that visits the Biennial.

In our critical idealization of Meia-noite, we imagine the night as a fluid space, a space for breaking norms, open to other visions, knowledges, interactions, and bodies. We envision it as a space of resistance and freedom, a political, metaphysical and experiential place. Here, the night is a territory for symbiotic relationships between humans and other beings, a place for co-dependency and co-evolution. In this perspective, the night fascinates us with its plural capacity to “transvalue” universal normative categories.

The university is, pre-eminently, a place of knowledge and power. If libraries are the epitome of (a certain protected kind of) knowledge, and bats the embodiment of darkness, here we find them in a relationship of mutual dependence. Both the library and the bat become political subjects. A central idea of our research for Meia-noite was how to question the production of knowledge embodied by the Joanine Library. How can we propose alternative epistemologies? How can we learn from the intelligence of bats? How can we imagine other forms of interaction?

Our intention was to free ourselves from the narratives and normative dualism of modern thought that fracture our contemporary society and produce an imbrication of discriminations: racism, classism, sexism, ageism, ableism, to name just a few. With this in mind, we applied methodologies that help us to experiment with creative, unexpected and marginal modes of knowledge production. We placed the eyeglasses of these Coimbra bats over our feminist ones and invited a group of artists to share their artistic and critical tools with us. Tools that multiply and connect worlds, that come from some existing place after the patriarchy: tools of the future.

Inspired by the night, this proposal for the Biennial is an attempt to open a speculative fissure, one that does not propose any answers, but raises many questions. It is an attempt to invent other modes of existence, of relating, of being and living together.

Elfi Turpin & Filipa Oliveira
Anozero’21–22 curators


Ana Pi

The Divine Cypher
Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo
© Daniel Nicoalevsky

Aurélia de Souza

Estudo para o autorretrato Santo António
Print on paper. Courtesy of José Caiado de Sousa.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz

La Cabeza Mató a Todos
Video, colour, sound, 7'33''. Courtesy of the artist.
Sala da Cidade
«La Cabeza Mató a Todos» (video still), 2014
Multi-channel video installation. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Candice Lin & P. Staff

Hormonal Fog
Fog machine, faucet, plastic cup, tube, wooden crate, dried herbs, herbal infusion. Courtesy of the artists.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Carlos Bunga

Descolonizar o Pensamento
Corrugated cardboard, canvas, Angolan sculptures from the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves
Digital video, color, sound, loop and site-specific installation. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Christian Nyampeta & Obi Okigbo

The Africans – Act 1 & The Twighlight Moment in the Wake of a Dream
— «The Africans – Act 1» (2020–2021) Christian Nyampeta Sound installation. Courtesy of the artist. — «The Twighlight Moment in the Wake of a Dream» (2019) Obi Okigbo Projected image of the painting. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Daniel Steegmann Mangrané

A Dream Dreaming a Dream
Real-time video projection of a procedural computer-generated animation, black and white. Commissioned and produced by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Diana Policarpo

Visions of Excess
Amplifier, sound speakers, soundscape and spoken word, 15’25’’. Courtesy of the artist.
Estufa Fria – Jardim Botânico
© Jorge das Neves

Elisabetta Benassi

Io vivere vorrei addormentato entro il dolce rumore della vita [I would like to live asleep within the sweet noise of life]
Morse lamps, tripods, electromagnets, electronic control unit, electric cables. Courtesy of the artist and Magazzino, Rome.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Elise Florenty & Marcel Türkowsky

Video, black and white, sound, 13'. Courtesy of the artists.
Sala da Cidade
Vídeo HD, cor, som, 49’. Espanhol, alemão, japonês. Apoio de La Fondation des Artistes, Cnap & Micro Climat Studio (FIDLab award).
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Euridice Zaituna LaKala

Trans_relations. I am the archive
Led panels. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova

Filipa César

Books, bookshelves.
Círculo Sereia
© Jorge das Neves

Gabriel Chaile

The folds of his flesh stick together, firmly cast on him and immovable. Job 41:23 & Smoke comes out of his nose like a pot boiling on the fire. Job 41:20
Metal, clay, charcoal, brass and pigment. Courtesy of the artist.
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
© Jorge das Neves

Jarbas Lopes

Jesse Darling

Jessica Warboys

Joana Escoval

Julie Béna

Lastenia Canayo – Pecon Quena

Laura Huertas Millán

Laura Lamiel

Louidgi Beltrame

Lygia Pape

Maja Escher

Mané Pacheco

Marguerite Duras

Marinho de Pina

Books, bookshelves.
Círculo Sereia
© Jorge das Neves

Marta Lança

Books, bookshelves.
Círculo Sereia
© Jorge das Neves

Mary Beth Edelson

Meris Angioletti

Minia Biabiany

Musa paradisiaca

Nelson Pereira dos Santos

Paul Mpagi Sepuya

Ru Kim

Sarah Maldoror

Seni Awa Camara

Sónia Vaz Borges

Vivian Suter

Yoan Sorin

Curated by

© Jorge das Neves
Visions of Excess
Diana Policarpo
Estufa Fria – Jardim Botânico
Amplifier, sound speakers, soundscape and spoken word, 15’25’’. Courtesy of the artist.
© Jorge das Neves
A Dream Dreaming a Dream
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
Real-time video projection of a procedural computer-generated animation, black and white. Commissioned and produced by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary.
© Jorge das Neves
Descolonizar o Pensamento
Carlos Bunga
Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova
Corrugated cardboard, canvas, Angolan sculptures from the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra. Courtesy of the artist.

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