Deriving from the open call of the same name, which was launched in the first half of 2024, É Urgente o Amor is based on the poem Urgently by Eugénio de Andrade, and includes the participation of different artists who bring different practices and approaches that find themselves united by their relationship with the starting point.
It’s urgent — love.
It’s urgent — a boat upon the sea.
It’s urgent to destroy certain words,
hate, solitude, and cruelty,
some moanings,
many swords.
It’s urgent to invent a joyfulness,
multiply kisses and cornfields,
discover roses and rivers
and glistening mornings — it’s urgent.
Silence and an impure light fall upon
our shoulders till they ache.
It’s urgent — love, it’s urgent
to endure.
Eugénio de Andrade
English translation by Alexis Levitin
Deriving from the open call of the same name, which was launched in the first half of 2024, É Urgente o Amor is based on the poem Urgently by Eugénio de Andrade, and includes the participation of different artists who bring different practices and approaches that find themselves united by their relationship with the starting point.
It’s urgent — love.
It’s urgent — a boat upon the sea.
It’s urgent to destroy certain words,
hate, solitude, and cruelty,
some moanings,
many swords.
It’s urgent to invent a joyfulness,
multiply kisses and cornfields,
discover roses and rivers
and glistening mornings — it’s urgent.
Silence and an impure light fall upon
our shoulders till they ache.
It’s urgent — love, it’s urgent
to endure.
Eugénio de Andrade
English translation by Alexis Levitin
CAPC – Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra
Open Call Jury
Lígia Afonso
Carlos Antunes
Désirée Pedro
Daniel Madeira
Lisiane Mutti
Production Coordination
Daniel Madeira
Lisiane Mutti
Production Support
Ivone Antunes
Jorge das Neves (coordination)
Marco Graça
Graphic Design
Alexandra Oliveira
João Bicker
Galeria Miguel Nabinho
Hugo Carriço (FLUC intern)
Carina Correia
Educational Program Coordination
Jorge Cabrera