«Clouds… I exist without knowing it and will die without wanting to. I’m the gap between what I am and am not, between what I dream and what life has made of me, the fleshly and abstract average of things that are nothing, I being likewise nothing. Clouds…»
Fernando Pessoa in The Book of Disquiet (after 18/10/1931)
This circle, which has never been closed, has always been presented as a permeable structure, interrupted and receptive to the experience and the exercise of freedom. In short, this circle is disquiet, just like any other loving entity, and exists between what it is and what it might or might not become. This exhibition formalizes itself as a bond, a fold on the now, and, in that sense, the exhibition is not an exhibition: it is an open, permeable, receptive circle that presents itself capable of looking back and doing it again and again.
Configured as an equilateral triangle, this circle is divided into three simple and direct events: the foco [focus], the estratégia-armadilha [trap-strategy], and the tempo [time]. Each of these events is articulated either as a juxtaposition or as an alternation. The foco is the event that seeks to reflect on the meaning, strategy, and modus operandi of an art collection belonging to CAPC; the estratégia-armadilha will seek to be a relational device where work and public meet; the tempo is not seen as an absolute reality, but as a mutating time that allows reconsidering direction and meaning at each moment, contributing to a redefinition of place.
«Clouds… I exist without knowing it and will die without wanting to. I’m the gap between what I am and am not, between what I dream and what life has made of me, the fleshly and abstract average of things that are nothing, I being likewise nothing. Clouds…»
Fernando Pessoa in The Book of Disquiet (after 18/10/1931)
This circle, which has never been closed, has always been presented as a permeable structure, interrupted and receptive to the experience and the exercise of freedom. In short, this circle is disquiet, just like any other loving entity, and exists between what it is and what it might or might not become. This exhibition formalizes itself as a bond, a fold on the now, and, in that sense, the exhibition is not an exhibition: it is an open, permeable, receptive circle that presents itself capable of looking back and doing it again and again.
Configured as an equilateral triangle, this circle is divided into three simple and direct events: the foco [focus], the estratégia-armadilha [trap-strategy], and the tempo [time]. Each of these events is articulated either as a juxtaposition or as an alternation. The foco is the event that seeks to reflect on the meaning, strategy, and modus operandi of an art collection belonging to CAPC; the estratégia-armadilha will seek to be a relational device where work and public meet; the tempo is not seen as an absolute reality, but as a mutating time that allows reconsidering direction and meaning at each moment, contributing to a redefinition of place.
Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra
Ana Sousa
Catarina Bota Leal
Production Support
Jorge das Neves
Ivone Antunes
Jorge das Neves
Jorge das Neves
Cristina Mateus
Nuno Sousa Vieira
Hugo Carriço (FLUC intern)
Carina Correia
Art Direction
João Bicker
Graphic Design
Joana Monteiro
Press Relations
Isabel Campante (Ideias Concertadas)