Designer and performer Gil Mac developed his body of work at the crossroads between performance and visual arts. Mac studied Graphic Arts at ARCA-EUAC – Escola Universitária das Artes de Coimbra, Photography at the Maumaus Association, Multimedia Design at the Caldas da Rainha School of Arts and Design – Polytechnic of Leiria, Fashion Design at MODATEX – The Centre for the Professional Training of the Textile, Apparel, Clothing and Wool Industry (f.k.a. CITEX – Centro de Formação Profissional do Têxtil e do Vestuário), and Theater at the CITAC - Círculo de Iniciação Teatral da Academia de Coimbra. He is an editor for Pandemonium ™, a contributor to CRL – Central Elétrica (f.k.a. Circolando) and Teatro do Frio, a member of the Coletivo LOA, and the director of the performances NKISI, Caos™ and Nix™. Also, he signs his projects as Whatever™, and his works have been showcased in cities such as London, Berlin, Warsaw, Lima, Goa, Macao, and Hong Kong.