Our generation and our time did not bring epic battles, like those successively fought by architects in the 20th century, in the combating for a new city. However, we certainly inherited that imaginary critical and combative thinking, which sees a transformative force of public, cultural, and social relevance in architecture. After all, those new cities continued (and will always continue) to fulfill, so it is up to us to long for them.
We wake up to our daily combats, looking to truly interpret each problem imposed on us and critically trying to extract something «mais» [more] than just what is asked of us, something fulfills us «mais» [more], from the permanent scarcity (of regulations, program statements, budget, time), demanding, always. It is that «mais» [more], that longing, that challenges and guides us in our investigation.
On a larger scale, the buildings we rehabilitate or rebuild want to join a positive transformation of the territory and the built environment. They want to add themselves to their permanent discussion. On a smaller scale, they search for the thickness of their materiality, and in each constructive system, by attending to new spatial schemes and looking at what came and will come, simultaneously.
When in between this scale of totality and particularity, we remember the words from Simone de Beauvoir: «It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strengths to love and our reason for acting.». What is architecture if not a tool of this aphorism? The three projects presented here are just three choices, in three different moments, in three different circumstances, that seek their reason for acting.
depA architects
Our generation and our time did not bring epic battles, like those successively fought by architects in the 20th century, in the combating for a new city. However, we certainly inherited that imaginary critical and combative thinking, which sees a transformative force of public, cultural, and social relevance in architecture. After all, those new cities continued (and will always continue) to fulfill, so it is up to us to long for them.
We wake up to our daily combats, looking to truly interpret each problem imposed on us and critically trying to extract something «mais» [more] than just what is asked of us, something fulfills us «mais» [more], from the permanent scarcity (of regulations, program statements, budget, time), demanding, always. It is that «mais» [more], that longing, that challenges and guides us in our investigation.
On a larger scale, the buildings we rehabilitate or rebuild want to join a positive transformation of the territory and the built environment. They want to add themselves to their permanent discussion. On a smaller scale, they search for the thickness of their materiality, and in each constructive system, by attending to new spatial schemes and looking at what came and will come, simultaneously.
When in between this scale of totality and particularity, we remember the words from Simone de Beauvoir: «It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strengths to love and our reason for acting.». What is architecture if not a tool of this aphorism? The three projects presented here are just three choices, in three different moments, in three different circumstances, that seek their reason for acting.
depA architects
1. Casa da Cultura de Pinhel
Architecture and exhibition design depA architects, Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo, Luís Sobral, Carlos Guimarães, Margarida Leitão
Specializations CPX, Edgar Brito, Ncrep
Photography José Campos
Museography Glorybox
Construction Biosfera Construções
Client Município de Pinhel
2. Competition for the Luís de Camões Residence
Architecture depA architects, Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo, Luís Sobral, Ângela Meireles, Hugo Silva, Joana Dias, João Marques, João Suguihara, Lucas Costa, Luísa Marques, Manuel Vilaça, Margarida Leitão, Raquel Stattmiller, Saskia Epp
Specializations Valeng, Vertente Rabisco, MSE, East Sun, BF Engenharia, Joana Leitão Teixeira, Mudita Studio
Client University of Coimbra
3. Interventions at Serralves Park
Liquid Pavillion
Architecture depa Architects, Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo, Luís Sobral, Ângela Meireles, Hugo Sobrosa, Margarida Leitão, Miguel Santos, Sara Pontes
Specializations Edgar Brito, CPX
Photography José Campos
Construction ArtWorks
Client Serralves Foundation
Pedagogical Greenhouse and Chicken Coop
Architecture depA architects, Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo, Luís Sobral, Ângela Meireles, Hugo Silva, Joana Dias, Lucas Costa, Luísa Marques, Manuel Vilaça, Margarida Leitão, Mariana Horta
Stability Valeng
Photography Francisco Ascensão
Construction Carmo Estruturas em Madeira
Client Serralves Foundation
Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra
Production Coordination
Daniel Madeira
Lisiane Mutti
Production Support
Ivone Antunes
Jorge das Neves (coordination)
Marco Graça
Graphic Design
Alexandra Oliveira
João Bicker
Jorge das Neves
depA architects
Hugo Carriço (FLUC intern)
Carina Correia
Educational Program Coordination
Jorge Cabrera
Financial Management
Administrative and Financial Coordination
Lisiane Mutti