Antónia Labaredas
July 2022
Casa das Artes de Miranda do Corvo


Collective Exhibition


Exposição Coletiva

April 2023
July 2022
Casa das Artes de Miranda do Corvo

1. Experiri is the Latin word for «prove, attest, bear witness of», formed by ex, «fora», and peritus, «tested with knowledge», which originated experientia, «knowledge attained through repeated attempts». 

2. One is evidently permeable to the world and the need for its fragmentation. The apprehension of the all is impossible; one limits themselves to the idea of reality that comes to them through the senses.

3. The conscience of the world takes shape in this way. Returning it, materialized, is an individual decision.

4. The artistic objects represented here are unnamable reflections of reality, whether closer or further from their referents. Maybe this way, the experience can be defined as what I do with what I have left from the daily end of the world.

5. Perhaps Antónia Labaredas uses reminiscence as raw material, before the materials themselves. Perhaps we can see fire as a means between memory and its representation, given the execution method of the ceramic field.

6. Material composition itself, made from the world, can break in returning it. The shape that it is given to be visible and perceived, as any and every visible thing.

7. Revolver (Revolving) in the Portuguese dictionary Priberam, first entry: «Mover de baixo para cima, de um lado para outro ou em várias direcções e sentidos» (Moving up and down, from side to the other or in various directions) — and adding from these works — in search of uniting the world.

Daniel Madeira

1. Experiri is the Latin word for «prove, attest, bear witness of», formed by ex, «fora», and peritus, «tested with knowledge», which originated experientia, «knowledge attained through repeated attempts». 

2. One is evidently permeable to the world and the need for its fragmentation. The apprehension of the all is impossible; one limits themselves to the idea of reality that comes to them through the senses.

3. The conscience of the world takes shape in this way. Returning it, materialized, is an individual decision.

4. The artistic objects represented here are unnamable reflections of reality, whether closer or further from their referents. Maybe this way, the experience can be defined as what I do with what I have left from the daily end of the world.

5. Perhaps Antónia Labaredas uses reminiscence as raw material, before the materials themselves. Perhaps we can see fire as a means between memory and its representation, given the execution method of the ceramic field.

6. Material composition itself, made from the world, can break in returning it. The shape that it is given to be visible and perceived, as any and every visible thing.

7. Revolver (Revolving) in the Portuguese dictionary Priberam, first entry: «Mover de baixo para cima, de um lado para outro ou em várias direcções e sentidos» (Moving up and down, from side to the other or in various directions) — and adding from these works — in search of uniting the world.

Daniel Madeira


Antónia Labaredas

Curated by

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© Jorge das Neves


Location and schedule



Monday to Friday 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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Exhibition room sheet


Filipe Feijão Francisca Branco João Costa João Gancho Mafalda Santos Miguel Neto Pedro Coelho

Notícias Associadas

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Technical sheet

Open technical sheet

Curated by
Jorge das Neves

Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra

Production Coordination
Daniel Madeira

Daniel Madeira
Diana Santos

Production Support
Ivone Antunes

Jorge das Neves
Marco Graça

Jorge das Neves

Daniel Madeira

Hugo Carriço (FLUC intern)

Carina Correia

Art Direction
João Bicker
Joana Monteiro

Graphic Design
Alexandra Oliveira

Educational Program
Jorge Cabrera


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