Felippe Moraes

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Felippe Moraes (Rio de Janeiro, 1988) has been developing his career as an artist, researcher, and independent curator since 2009. He lives and works between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He holds an MA granted by the University of Northampton (UK) and is a member of the Deliberative Council of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) of Niterói. His research is centered on the epistemology of reason and its relations with spirituality, mythology, and ancestry as possibilities for reenchanting the world.

His main individual projects are Samba Exaltação (2021), a series of neons with quotes from Brazilian songs, which materialized as an urban intervention in Vale do Anhangabaú in São Paulo, then as a solo show at the MAC in Niterói and a special project at the Museu de Arte do Rio. In 2021, he performed Samba da Luz at the Biblioteca Mário de Andrade and the Estação da Luz. In 2019, he presented Solfejo at the Centro Cultural Fiesp and LUZIA at the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra in Portugal.

Previously, he held the solo shows Imensurável (2018) at Caixa Cultural Fortaleza; Proporción (2018) at Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo in Montevideo; Cosmografia (2017) and Ordem (2014), both at Baró Galeria in São Paulo; and Progressão (2016) at the MAC, in Niterói. He is the author of the public works Monumento ao Horizonte (2016) in Niterói, and Monumento a Euclides (2017) in Romania. His work is in collections such as the Museu de Arte do Rio, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, and Centro Cultural de São Paulo.

Last update:
May 2023

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