Colégio das Artes

The Colégio, of which the construction began in 1568, is centered around a square courtyard decorated with Doric columns, where the originals are on the floor below. On the third floor, the use of new constructive materials from its last grand reform, in the early 20th century, and the elegant columns in forged steel can be observed. Due to the various occupations it was the object of and the numerous duties it fulfilled, the collegial building lost its original architectural features. However, some of the architectural structures of the old classrooms, specifically the support columns of the arch and roofing and of arris vaults were kept. Only the little chapel was conserved from two of the worshiping existing spaces in the collegial building, located in the east wing of the second floor. The amount of construction carried out in the early 20th century by altering the architectural structures, absorbed as chapel areas but kept the entrance hall and the sacristy, with some minor changes.

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