Rafaela Salgueiro

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Rafaela Salgueiro is a multidisciplinary visual artist, creative designer, and author of the project I Dress Bodies as if They Were Ideas. She works between the worlds of art and fashion and aims to unify these two creative powers. As a result of her research, the artist presents new linguistic possibilities that arise from the relationship of body and matter and addresses issues such as affection and sensitivity in an introduction to other material realities.

She has a degree in Fashion Design granted by Senac/São Paulo and a master's degree in fine arts from the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, based on her research into the unconscious, affection, and the potential transformation of materials.

Among her latest works stand out: choreographic atlases, set development and performance, with Barbara Cordeiro and Katinka Wissing; Grønbechs Gård, Bornholm's Centre for Crafts, Denmark (2023); grão de areia plástico bolha, with Duda Affonso, NowHere, Lisbon, (2022);development of an interactive object for the performance calor, by the artist Josefa Pereira, Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon (2022).

Last update:
October 2023