Maria Frandinho is currently enrolled at the Master's Degree in Fine Art sat ESAD.CR. She has worked as a cultural production assistant and book restorer at the same school. She participated in the group exhibitions Mãos nas mãos:o futuro, at Galeria Câmara Escura in Torres Vedras; Vir a lume, atESAD:CR; and Decompor e Coser, at the Leiria Museum. She is currently a fellow at the Rama Studio artistic residency, in the project Território – community-sustainability. She has also been a resident at the “Quarry Sonnets”project in the deactivated quarries of Serra de Aire e Candeeiro, at the YAW association in Calascio (Italy), where she took part in the Arte, Scienza e spiritualità exhibition, and at the Batalha Monastery. She published the essay “O desenho habita o caderno como eu habito o lugar” in issue no. 4 of the journal If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck it's a duck. She has traveled to thirty European cities, with the aim of enhancing her artistic practice and discovering the limits of Being.