Inês Teles

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Inês Teles lives and works in Lisbon. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. She has a postgraduate degree from the Byam Shaw School of Art and a Master of Arts from the Slade School of Fine Art. She is currently an FCT scholarship holder in the FBAUL Sculpture PhD program and a collaborator at the Centro de Investigação Vicarte.

Selected exhibitions: Sensores, partículas e outros compostos, Salão de Chá, Águeda (2023); A persistência da matéria: 20 anos VICARTE, Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea do Museu do Vidro,Marinha Grande (2022); Aliquid stat pro aliquo, curated by Maria JoanaVilela, Studio PRÁM, Prague (2021); TIERRA A LA VISTA. Un paisaje de formas encontradas, curated by David Barro, Galería PONCE+ROBLES, Madrid (2021); Variations portugaises, Centre d'Art de Meymac, curated by Caroline Bissière andJean-Paul Blanchet, France (2018); Múltiplos, The Drawing Center, NewYork (2016); Descontorno, Casa de Burgos, curated by João Pinharanda, Évora (2015).

Last update:
October 2023