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Feilin investigates the singularity of life and being through painting, installation, photography, dance, music, printmaking, and the multiple languages she knows and learns. She approaches creation as a process of exploring the senses and memory, in which materials are active participants and in which other processes, such as learning — particularly languages — are themselves the materials for artistic creation.  

In 2017, she completed her studies in Painting and Chemistry at the Tyler School of Fine Arts (Philadelphia). That same year, she was a resident at DongDong & Lulu's studio-space, where she developed are search project on the history of Nanjing's trees. In 2018, she was an artist in residence in Shanghai, where she experimented with collective and community art. She took part in action art meetings with Sower art, becoming part of the collective in 2020. In 2021, she took part in the Water tower residency with a multilingual performance. In 2023, she participated as a dancer in choreographer Maria Cerqueira's Laboratory 12, organized by ESTUFA, where she learned ideas about group movement and fitting in.

Last update:
October 2023