ESSYS*: Sharing #UC is a participative installation that creates a multimodal environment representative of content shared online, on Twitter, about the University of Coimbra. The installation is a mirror for the audiovisual environment, created by an artificial system that, through text comprehension and analysis, classifies the content based on eight basic emotions: joy, anticipation, trust, fear, anger, disgust, surprise, and sadness. The detected emotions are the raw material for the composition of sonic-typographical artifacts. The sound compositions travel melodically and harmonically in musical universes that breathe from these emotional atmospheres, which emerge from more provocative content, taking shape in probabilities of sound parameters. In turn, the topographical composition translates this emotional baggage of content into various visuals, taking inspiration from traditional typography production processes. Alongside the in-person installation, an online version is available at
ESSYS*: Sharing #UC is a participative installation that creates a multimodal environment representative of content shared online, on Twitter, about the University of Coimbra. The installation is a mirror for the audiovisual environment, created by an artificial system that, through text comprehension and analysis, classifies the content based on eight basic emotions: joy, anticipation, trust, fear, anger, disgust, surprise, and sadness. The detected emotions are the raw material for the composition of sonic-typographical artifacts. The sound compositions travel melodically and harmonically in musical universes that breathe from these emotional atmospheres, which emerge from more provocative content, taking shape in probabilities of sound parameters. In turn, the topographical composition translates this emotional baggage of content into various visuals, taking inspiration from traditional typography production processes. Alongside the in-person installation, an online version is available at