Fortuna, 2020
Leonardo Ventapane
Drawing, site-specific action / Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, 2020.
video: 17’13’’
Fortuna (2020) is one of the works developed by the artistLeonardo Ventapane in an isolated lighthouse in the extremesouth of Brazil, on a beach of death and beauty, discomfort andjoy, catharsis and ecstasy, where time is suspended in eyesof mist and salt.
Inside of the Outside, 2021
Lulu Wolf
Digital video, field recording
video: 35’27’’
Sound design by Rob Shuttleworth
«During a certain season in Texas, at dusk, some tree trunksseem to be phosphorescent... they give off a dull, blazing light.Upon close scrutiny it is found that the trunk of the tree is completely covered with discarde shells which were the outer bodyof certain insects. The startling fact is that the shell is intact;the form is exactly as it was when it’s original inhabitant wasinside, with only one difference. The inside has left, leaving theouter form which looks like an x-ray, producing the luminouseffect. Suddenly we hear a chorus of sound coming from thedark leaves above. It is the sound of the insects hidden in thetree in their new metaphysical form. What is strange aboutthe phenomenon is that we can see the insects’ shell forms clinging to the tree, empty shells, a form that life has abandoned.While we fix our eyes on these apparitions, we hear the sound ofthe insect in its new form hidden in the trees. We can hear it butwe cannot see it. In a way, the sound we hear is a soul sound.»
John Hejduk1
Fortuna, 2020
Leonardo Ventapane
Drawing, site-specific action / Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, 2020.
video: 17’13’’
Fortuna (2020) is one of the works developed by the artistLeonardo Ventapane in an isolated lighthouse in the extremesouth of Brazil, on a beach of death and beauty, discomfort andjoy, catharsis and ecstasy, where time is suspended in eyesof mist and salt.
Inside of the Outside, 2021
Lulu Wolf
Digital video, field recording
video: 35’27’’
Sound design by Rob Shuttleworth
«During a certain season in Texas, at dusk, some tree trunksseem to be phosphorescent... they give off a dull, blazing light.Upon close scrutiny it is found that the trunk of the tree is completely covered with discarde shells which were the outer bodyof certain insects. The startling fact is that the shell is intact;the form is exactly as it was when it’s original inhabitant wasinside, with only one difference. The inside has left, leaving theouter form which looks like an x-ray, producing the luminouseffect. Suddenly we hear a chorus of sound coming from thedark leaves above. It is the sound of the insects hidden in thetree in their new metaphysical form. What is strange aboutthe phenomenon is that we can see the insects’ shell forms clinging to the tree, empty shells, a form that life has abandoned.While we fix our eyes on these apparitions, we hear the sound ofthe insect in its new form hidden in the trees. We can hear it butwe cannot see it. In a way, the sound we hear is a soul sound.»
John Hejduk1
Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra
Daniel Madeira
Jorge das Neves
Jorge das Neves
John Hejduk
Carina Correia
Art Direction
João Bicker
Joana Monteiro
Graphic Design
Alexandra Oliveira
Educational Program
Jorge Cabrera